
This is the personal website of Lemonade1947

We are hightech lowlives.
We are going nowhere fast.

The point I'm making is that there are grass roots movements. You just don't like them because they block the roads and they inconvenience you.

I'm trying to work out what it is you want people to do.

Well what else? What's the alternative? What sort of political activity would make you happy? What would be grass roots and nuanced enough for you? Writing books? Singing songs? Talking about it endlessly in discord calls?

What do you want them to do, that's what I'm trying to get to the bottom of here.

People do deserve to ███ for these crimes against humanity actually. They deserve to ███ multiple times in fact. Hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of times over.

All out nuclear war could break out this Friday, and your boss would still expect you to show up to work on Monday and sit in a morning meeting that lasts twice as long as it should and in which nothing is actually discussed. Your landlord would still expect the rent on time too.

The technique for professional conversations is radical honestly (so that when you're eventually forced to lie, they believe you)

I just don't really trust the way that digital books are distributed.

I don't think I could write a play, or really generate any sort of art, because I don't really believe I have anything new to say.

I think you're trying too hard to understand your feelings. I think you are scared because you have every right to be scared, and I think you're angry because you have every right to be angry.

Capitalism survives by forcing the majority, whom it exploits, to define their own interests as narrowly as possible [...] by imposing a false standard of what is and is not desirable - John Berger

If we can ruin an experience by learning what it is, should we really be having it? - Neil Farrel

But I'm saying that if you have no ideology at all, and don't really believe in anything, and just want to fling shit at each other for clout, then "perpetuation of power as it exists today" is the path of least resistance. Therefore they're neolibs by accident, not intentionally, and therefore it's hard to describe them as having any sort of ideology.

I'm saying that the people in power today aren't concerned with ideology, be it neoliberalism or anything else. Except the fascists, probably. Hard to tell when it comes to them.

You're individualising the problem. You do it all the time. You do it because it's easy. To do otherwise, you'd have to feel certain ways about the people you think you hate and that'd make you uncomfortable.

-Why- do they hate? That's the sort of question you should be asking. Because I simply refuse to believe that it's human nature or whatever else. I genuinely do believe it's down to the naturalisation of liberal and fascist ideas. It's not like any of them were born hating. They're doing it because they think (rightly or wrongly) it gives them access to some resource or community they otherwise wouldn't have.

The fascism is already in the room. neoliberalism necessarily must devolve into fascism, and that is by its design.

There are Evil people. No one's denying that.

But there are considerably fewer evil people than our current world implies. Capitalism makes evil appealing, and it makes it easy for evil people to hide amongst people for whom the evil is a necessary means to a an end.

If you take away the power that capitalism gives evil, then suddenly there's 1 in 100,000 evil people walking about and no one listens to them because they're too busy enjoying living their lives. You remove the motivation that perpetuates evil. The root of the proverbial.

There is no answer. This is not a war we fight because we think we can win, it is a war we fight because we believe it's the right thing to do. We are time and time again faced with the mortifying ordeal of being known, and we are repeatedly struck by the realisation that closeness cannot be achieved from a safe distance. But at some point you simply have to ask: "What are they gonna do, kill me?"

I have lost considerably more than I can ever hope to love.

Whose "realistic", hmm?

To change the world, a lot of people need to believe it's possible to change the world. That's really, among others, the biggest factor. If you're going to convince anyone of that. You have to believe it.

You don't stop arson with asbestos.

The true a(r/u)tistic vision of this website can only be experienced on a desktop computer.